Ruby Huang Multi-Omics Conference 2024

Ruby Huang

Professor Ruby Huang obtained her MD degree from National Taiwan University (NTU) in 1999 and is a board certified Obs & Gyn Specialist. She obtained her PhD degree in Anatomy and Cell Biology from NTU in 2008 and subsequently moved to Singapore and worked in A*STAR, NUH and NUS. She was recruited back to NTU in 2019 under the global talent recruitment program Yushan Scholar Program supported by Ministry of Education in Taiwan. She is currently Professor of the School of Medicine of NTU. Professor Ruby Yun-Ju Huang is a renowned clinician scientist in the international ovarian cancer research and the field of EMT (epithelial-mesenchymal transition). As a clinician-scientist, her research interest is in the plasticity of biological systems. In the field of EMT, she is best known to define the early events of EMT (Huang et al., J Cell Sci 2012) and to propose the paradigm shift of the EMT concept from binary to a continuous spectrum (Huang et al., Cell Death and Disease 2013). By using big data analysis of 13,000+ cancer gene expression profiles, her group pioneered in establishing EMT signatures and defining the EMT scoring (Tan et al., EMBO Mol Med 2014). She utilized ovarian cancer as the working model to decipher the role of EMT spectrum in tumoral heterogeneity focusing on the function of an epithelial gatekeeper GRHL2 (Chung et al., Scientific Reports, 2016; Chung et al., Communications Biology, 2019; Sundararajan et al,, Cancers 2020). Recently, her group further pioneers the understanding of how this EMT spectrum is regulated at the 3D genome level (Pang et al., Genome Biology 2022).

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