Dean Fennell Multi-Omics Conference 2024

Dean Fennell

Professor Dean Fennell is a physician scientist  and thoracic oncology specialist focused on stratified therapy, immuno-oncology and mesothelioma . He has designed and led several investigator-initiated trials from phase 1 through phase III (including NERO, CONFIRM, VIM, MIST, MESO2). He was past president of the International mesothelioma interest group, past NCRI mesothelioma chair. He co-authored both the UK BTS, and European (ESMO, ERS) mesothelioma treatment guidelines and served two terms on the EORTC board. His lab currently focuses on novel precision medicine strategies and understanding mesothelioma evolution. Prof. Fennell held two prestigious CRUK clinician scientist and MRC doctoral fellowships. He originally trained in pharmacology (1st class) and medicine at University College London, then completed medical training in the London Golden circuit, with Medical Oncology specialist training at Barts Hospital, London. He has published 176 peer reviewed articles in journals including The Lancet, Lancet Oncology, New England Journal of Medicine, Nature and is currently ranked #1 globally in mesothelioma research citation. In 2023 he received two international awards; the IMIG Senior Investigator Research Medal, and also the MARF Pioneer award. 

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